Tipton-Rosemark Academy

Bound for College.  Prepared for Life.


TRA Transportation

Tipton-Rosemark Academy offers an optional bus service that includes one bus and runs North to Ripley and Covington, with a few stops on the way back through the Atoka area. If you are interested in this service, please contact our facilities director, Keith Owen at 901-829-6500. Bus Application

Student Parking

If your child is a driver, there is a $10 annual parking fee. Numbered parking spaces are given out by the high school office. Please see Christy Woelm in the High School Office for more information.

Traffic Patterns

Whether at morning drop off or afternoon pickup, our primary goal is the safety of all our children. Please adhere to the following directions when dropping off and picking up your child/children from TRA. We will need for all our drivers to cooperate and follow the stated directions for morning drop off and afternoon dismissal.

You may begin dropping students off at 7:15, and pickup time will be at 2:55 for lower school and 3:00 for upper school. Please do NOT drop your children off prior to this time as there will be no one on duty to supervise them. If you pick up your child after 3:15, they will be sent to After School Care (Rebel Care) for a nominal charge.

Upper School Drop-Off

Please enter our campus from our high school entrance, the new road on the north side of our elementary school, by turning left from the north or turning right from the south lanes of Rosemark Road. Two of the three lanes are entrance lanes. Please follow the new road as it winds around to the front of the high school. High school and/or middle grade students can be dropped off in the front of the high school. Then please proceed around the high school and middle school and turn right in front of the middle school to exit by the elementary school.

Upper School Pick-Up

During afternoon dismissal, high school drivers will be allowed to use the far right lane of the high school entrance to exit the campus. Vehicles exiting on this road at afternoon dismissal must turn right only. During afternoon dismissal if you have picked up all your riders at the high school entrance, you will be allowed to turn around in the high school parking lot and exit the same way that you entered. Again, you will only be allowed to turn right.

Lower School Drop-Off

For middle school and elementary only drop-off, you will be allowed to enter either the PAC entrance to drop off in front or the middle and elementary schools or you can use the high school entrance and keep right all the way around the buildings to drop off in front of the middle and elementary schools. Please remain in your car throughout this process. We will have our staff in this area to help with the unloading of students and directing traffic.

Lower School Pick-Up

For middle school and elementary only pick-up, you will only be allowed to enter the high school entrance and keep right all the way around the buildings to pick up in front of the middle and elementary schools. Please display your provided name tag on your rearview mirror. This will allow us to get the students ready and speeds up the loading. We will have our staff in this area to help with the loading of students and directing traffic. When exiting our campus from the PAC or from the elementary exit, please turn left. You will not be allowed to turn right on Rosemark Road until the bulk of the traffic has subsided.

PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SECOND DRIVEWAY (elementary exit) AS AN ENTRANCE. The safety of our students is our primary focus. Please be patient and cooperative.


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©2016 Tipton Rosemark Academy. All Rights Reserved.
8696 Rosemark Rd., Millington, TN 38053
Phone: (901) 829-6500
Fax: (901) 829-4292